EricSherred Blog


Get Rid Of Your info@ Inbox

I’m not advocating getting rid of your info account altogether. And if you don’t have one you really need one. What I’m saying is it shouldn’t have its own inbox. It should forward to key members of your team (in if it’s just you … well you know).If you use the info@ address you already...


Morning Chalk Up

Built in WordPress, this fully custom theme also integrates a number of custom PHP scripting to facilitate signups connecting to MailChimp (though the MailChimp 3.0 API), as well as a custom Goal setter we built for the new year this past year (you can see it here). The Morning Chalk Up is continuing to grow...


Presidential Campaigns Harness Powers Of Search Engine Optimization

Yesterday I had a recorded segment air on NPR’s All Things Considered. This was my first radio interview and I admit I was pretty excited to hear how it came out. I wasn’t expecting much but it turns out most of the story surrounded my work on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and my work with Rick...



So I have been quiet because a) lazy and b) I’ve been working in politics. And I need to prevent myself from getting into trouble. That said one of the teams I’m working for is Ron Johnson For Senate here in Wisconsin (Ive stayed in 1 place for over 6 months now!). Today we sent out...


Save A Life Today

Have you seen this? Ste Walker is from the UK but his story is not unique. Every day millions around the world suffer like Ste from Crohn’s or Colitis. For those of us in the US we rely on the support, research, and access the CCFA gives us. Will you support us by making a...


TeamChallenge 2015 – Rock&Roll Las Vegas Half-Marathon

I’m at it again. But this year I am fortunate enough to have Erica by my side as we train and eventually participate in the next TeamChallenge event. This year is the final year that TeamChallenge will be the title charity of the Las Vegas Rock&Roll Marathon and 1/2 Marathon. So I figured it’s about...


100 Words, Day 5

Hey look, I finally made it to day 5! I’ve been through a couple of things since my last post. Nothing bad, but absolutely not nothing. One of the things I don’t talk about much right now is where I work. Not because I’m not proud of what I do but because it’s polarizing and...


WordCamp MKE Slides

Thank you to everyone who came to my presentation at WordCamp MKE this past weekend. for those interested here are the slides from my presentation. Feel free to let me know if there are any questions.


100 Words, Day 4

Theres a funny thing that happens when you enjoy your job and work 12 hour days (on average), it doesn’t bother you. Now don’t get me wrong my job can be frustrating, boring, and exhausting. But I like it and that is what gets me through the day. Of course when you look at your...

100 Days, Day 3 0

100 Days, Day 3

I’m not making excuses, but not having internet where you live is difficult. I have no qualms writing at work however that requires free time. Which I have pretty much none. So once again I much explain away why I don’t have my 100 words. I’ve just moved to Madison, WI and this has been...